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One of our Christmas traditions is to bake, decorate and leave sugar cookies for Santa.  While the holidays are always hectic and the lure of store-bought cookies would be very easy, I actually enjoy taking the time to make the cookies (and icing!) from scratch.  This year I doubled the icing recipe for homemade carrot cake.  I hope this is something I can keep up with as my kids get older.  I think with each year, they will enjoy it more and more.

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[hr] My youngest daughter can’t help yet, but she looked so adorable on Christmas Eve holding the cookie cutters.

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My sister and I are rolling out the cookie dough (somewhat blurry photo from my husband who is learning to shoot manual!).


[hr] And my son did a fabulous job decorating the cookies.

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[hr] He emptied the entire plastic jar of sprinkles, mostly on one cookie!
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As a tradition, I will design a specific layout in our photo yearbook so each year we can see the cookies they decorated.

What are your Christmas traditions?