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Finally, the second interview is up and ready..and it is a good one!  Introducing Monika Eisenbart!  She is a photographer in the Hudson Valley area in New York.  Her new website is Monika Photography (updated link). If you live in or around New York City, you should definitely look her up for a session.   Not only is her work for clients absolutely amazing…but she also has an great eye for capturing her son and family life.  She documents everyday life, like celebrating a snow fall or being sick as beautifully as big moments like visiting her family in Poland.

This Poland trip includes one her favorite sessions, listed in number 9 below…but I can not post this interview without listing some of her other work that has really stuck with me.

An Engagement Session. (also apart of her Poland trip last summer…)

Before First Communion and First Communion.  There was just something about this session…it really has stayed with me.

And my dream family portrait right now would be very close to this session she photographed.

Oh, and while I was going back through her work, I remembered this post…loved the light and location in these!

Gorgeous, right!

(Some of the links may not longer work due to recent web updates. Make sure you check out her latest work here.)


So here is a little more about Monika:

1 | me and my camera:


My name is Monika. I’m a photographer, wife and mother.

I’m a conon girl and shoot with Canon 7d. I have few lenses:

35mm 1.4L – my favorite one, stays on my camera most of the time

50mm 1.4

85mm 1.8

24-70mm 2.8L

me photographia

2 | my family:

I live with my family just outside NYC. Like me, my husband Peter comes from Poland. Our son Kacper was born here just two years ago.
me photographia

3 | my current photography challenge:

I think at the moment my biggest challenge is to define my own style and commit to it. I’m searching for the perfect fit and who knows if I ever find it.
me photographia

4 | what I have time for now:

Well at the moment everything in my life is about photography. I dream and think about it most of the time; that is when my family  is not around.
me photographia

5 | what I don’t have time for now:

Reading novels and other books not photography related. I wish I could go to the movies more often too.
me photographia

6 | my favorite photography subject:

Besides my son, I love photographing everyone who is willing to share their story.
me photographia

7 | my favorite place to photograph inside my home:

That would be my bedroom, which offers two huge windows and neutral wall colors.
me photographia

8 | my favorite time to photograph:

Love the sunset shoots and would love to try sunrise too. And this kind of shoot is on my list this summer.
me photographia

9 | my favorite blog post (or photograph) right now:

It’s so hard to choose, because I love them all.  But most of the time I go back to my grandmothers shoot I did last summer while visiting my family in Poland. It’s so real and raw, every image has so much emotions.

me photographia
For more from her Poland trip, because it was that fantastic: hereherehere, and here.

10 | what tip, trick or info helped your family photographs the most:

I think general knowledge of photography helped me take better pictures, including my own family.
me photographia
All photographs are copyright to Monika Eisenbart, me photographia.  Do not copy, print, or distribute.
Thanks again for sharing!  I love your work!!!
Are you interested in being featured?  Contact me at info[at]bookthisproject.com