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COLOR!  It is so important in design and can add so much to your photo book layouts.  I have decided to start a new monthly series that examines the impact color has on layouts.  I will take a photograph – or a group of photographs – and run through a series of different design layouts – exploring color, type, size, orientation, and proportion.

First, to start off this series, I want to mention the beautiful and inspiring site: Design Seeds.  If you are not familiar with them, I hope you will check out their site, facebook page or pin boards.  This site examines the rich color groups found within evocative photographs.  If you are ever in a color rut or looking for color inspiration, you should check out their work!


[divider] Layouts

[divider]Get a free download listing the colors used in this series (RGB and CMYK) – here!

[divider] Would you like one of your photographs featured in this series?  Email me your photograph and I will let you know when your photo will appear.

I hope this gets your creative juices flowing!

And if you love any of these, share this post on your facebook page or pin your favorite(s)!