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Now that it is June, it is time to start thinking about and taking summer photos.  To me, that means picnics, barbecues, and nothing says summer quite like a pool photograph.  I love Lynne Rigby and I love Lynne Rigby’s photographs.  She is amazingly talented – both with her camera and teaching.  Truly inspiring lady.  But…today…I want to focus on her pool photographs.  I loved so many of them last year and already a little giddy for her photographs this summer.

Her photographs highlight the sun sparkle, the waves of the pool, and her kids in and out of the water.  Here is a great photograph to get you inspired for your pool photographs this summer.  And just warning you…there may be more.  Seriously love her!

I want to see your summer photographs!  I have started a flickr set that you can link your photograph to.  Or you can always leave a comment below with a link to your blog post, Facebook page or flickr set.  Love to see each other’s work!!!