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This year we took a family vacation to South Carolina.  At the end of October.  Not exactly beach season.  But the weather was fantastic for us.  Comfortable, clear blue sky, not too hot, but definitely sunnier than the place we left.  One morning of our trip we decided to go fishing for crabs.  I decided to be brave and only take my 35mm film camera loaded with Ektar 100 film.

My mother-in-law ended up catching two crabs.  Not a lot…but better than I expected.  Even though my son sat around and watched for most of our time on the dock, he still felt part of the action and really enjoyed it.  While we were waiting for the crabs to bite, a seasoned fisherman pulled up with his baskets and baskets of crabs.

Here are some of my favorite from the trip.



Now, how will all of these photographs translate into 2 pages (left and right) of a photo book?  I wanted a layout that is simple and focuses on the actual act of fishing for crabs.  I wanted a subtle caption of “crabbing” to describe the day.  And, like all of my layouts, I wanted to include the date of when the photographs were taken.  So here is what I came up with!



Leave a comment below and let me know what you think of the film photos or my layouts!  I definitely need more practice…but I get so excited when I see my film experiments!