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Oh how hard it is for me to get a family Christmas card photo! I think it is the pressure for me to:

a) to get a photo with people smiling,

b) to get eye contact from everybody at the same time, or

c) to capture something creative.

But yet I try. I try several times. Last weekend, we had a warm weekend so I decided to take the kids out, sans coats, to achieve my illustrious goal.

And yes, I bribed my kids for each halfway decent attempt with cheese balls (thanks Halloween basket o’goodies)!

Apparently my son thought this was a pose I wanted.

20131109-DSC_6679I’m not kidding. He did this over and over.



Then I’d get one looking at the camera while the other was looking silly.

20131109-DSC_6684 20131109-DSC_6688
Then I’d get the hug that looked more like strangling.


Or silliness that is too silly.


Why oh why is this so difficult! By the end of the day, I think I got a couple that I might be able to use but I’m also going to try for some indoor photos as well.

Make sure to check out the blog in couple of days when I show how I edited my fall photos.

So tell me in the comments, what’s your secret for getting Christmas card photos? Or where do you get the inspiration for your photos?