by Stacey Wiseman | Apr 27, 2012 | Family Photographs, Inspiration, Photograph
I hope to inspire you this weekend to take some photographs of your family! It has been a while since I have posted my favorite photograph of the week…but I have a good one for you!
I have two different sets of photographs: interior and exterior by the Australian photographer: Toni Raper.
First: an interior series of photographs. All you need is a bedroom with a bedroom window. That is easy, right? Look how gorgeous it can turn out. Her daughter’s personality oozes in these photographs.
Second: get your kids outdoors. Green and brown. Animals. Sun. The fence. The smile! Try to find a place near your home to take photographs outside. It could be a park or a local farm. One aspect I love about this series, is the wide open space of the land. Plus, she lets her daughter explore.
What are you guys planning on photographing this weekend? Any specific plans? I would love to hear about them in the comments below!
by Stacey Wiseman | Apr 24, 2012 | Inspiration, Photo Book Design Layout, Photograph, Tutorial
Following up on my last inspiration post where I translated the cover of an Anthropologie catalog into a layout, this example features a cover of a non-fiction book. It is simple, elegant, and stately.[divider] Inspiration:
Eating Architecture edited by Jamie Horwitz and Paulette Singley


[divider] Iterations:
And here are five iterations.

[divider] Do you have a favorite?
All of these are on my pinboard “Inspiration and Iterations.” Pin your favorite now!
by Stacey Wiseman | Apr 23, 2012 | Family Photographs, Interview, Photograph, Photography Tip
Hey everyone, time for our next interview! You will love Rhonda McMaster. She is a photographer located in Ottawa and mother to three absolutely beautiful children. I mean, seriously beautiful children. Rhonda’s photographs have amazing color, clarity and light but perhaps what I love the most about her photos is the way she frames an image. She finds a way to make the surroundings tie into and perfectly frame the subject. A perfect example was when she stayed a couple of steps behind her kids going down an empty escalator. The rail of the escalator led perfectly to her children and she got their reflection in the glass sides.
We did not coordinate this in advance…but my favorite photograph of hers is exactly the photograph she selected for #9! I was so happy she included this photograph in the interview. This photograph not only captures light in an amazing way…but the interaction between brother and sister is real and genuine. I feel cold but warmth at the same time. It seems casual but perfectly executed. I long to one day capture an emotion similar to this in my photographs. Right now we are still in the “be gentle, brother” phase; but one day!
To see more of her photography, check out her website and make sure you like her facebook page.
On her website, she has this really cool feature highlighting photographic collages (click the tab “collages” to view). My favorite collage is “girly girl.” What mother of daughters would not love something like this!
[divider]1 | me and my camera:
Hi! My name is Rhonda. I’m a photographer, mother, teacher and life-lover. I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark II and the 50 mm 1.2L and 24-105 mm 4.0L.

[divider]2 | my family:
This is my busy, young family. 🙂

[divider]3 | my current photography challenge:
My challenge is to let go of expectations. The images I get are not always the ones I *think* I want to get, but like this one, when I saw it, I knew it was the one I was *meant* to get….

[divider]4 | what I have time for now:
Chasing children.

[divider]5 | what I don’t have time for now:
Afternoon naps. Long ago (it’s hard to remember when) afternoon naps turned into afternoon plays.

[divider]6 | my favorite photography subject:
My children (any of them!). I have never met a mother who doesn’t love a photo of her babies.

[divider]7 | my favorite place to photograph inside my home:
I love taking advantage of the beautiful, natural light that pours in through the largest window in my living room.

[divider]8 | my favorite time to photograph:
It’s not the easiest time to photograph and I shoot more frames, but learning how to embrace the midday sun has made me a better photographer. The way the sun lights up my daughter’s already-vibrant hair makes me smile.

[divider]9 | my favorite blog post (or photograph) right now:
My favourite photograph is usually my newest one, but I keep going back to this image from this past winter, which is perfectly imperfect to me, and shows true sibling love.

[divider]10 | what tip, trick or info helped your family photographs the most:
Contrast in an image makes a beautiful black and white. Also, there are many beautiful locations to take a photograph, but wherever you are, when you see something beautiful or inspiring, take a picture. (This image was taken from the front seat of my van on our way to skiing lessons.)

[divider]All photographs are copyright to Rhonda McMaster, Rhonda McMaster Photography. Do not copy, print, or distribute.
Thanks again for sharing! It was fabulous to see your photographs!!!
[divider] Are you interested in being featured? Contact me at info[at]
by Stacey Wiseman | Apr 17, 2012 | Family Photographs, Motivation, Photograph
Saturday was actually a really stressful day. My daughter wasn’t feeling well (getting over another ear infection) and my son…well, he is three. He was okay most of the day until a major tantrum around 7. But we survived and here are the photos from the day! And a couple more than 10 :)…
[divider] 8am

[divider] 9am

[divider] 10am

[divider] 11am

[divider] 12pm

[divider] 1pm

[divider] 2pm

[divider] 3pm

[divider] 4pm

[divider] 5pm

[divider] 6pm

[divider] 7pm

by Stacey Wiseman | Apr 13, 2012 | Description, Family Photographs, Photo Book Design Layout, Photograph, Podcast
The March/April podcast is finally here! It took me a while but I was finally able to pull it all together!
In this podcast, I take a simple photo book concept from beginning to end. There is a FREE companion download to this podcast. I hope you check it out and I would love to hear how it helped your photo book. Also, I would love to see any photographs or layouts you come up with! Add a comment with a link below!
Thanks and Enjoy!!!
by Stacey Wiseman | Apr 9, 2012 | Description, Family Photographs, Inspiration, Photo Book Design Layout, Photograph
I hope everyone had a great Easter! We kept extremely busy. Breakfast, egg hunt, convert crib into big boy bed, lunch, laundry, nap, clean up, Easter dinner at my in-laws and bed. My son is really starting to get the concept of holidays and gets so excited. I love seeing his smile on these days. And my girl had some fun too!
For my family photo book layout, I designed a spread with one large photo on the left and a photo collage on the right page. This is a great way to combine a lot of photos into only two pages. For inspiration, take ideas from collage boards. Samples are everywhere…but I pinned an example from a wedding inspiration board.
[divider] Left:

[divider] Right:

[divider] Spread:

by Stacey Wiseman | Mar 30, 2012 | Family Photographs, Inspiration, Interview, Photograph
Finally, the second interview is up and ready..and it is a good one! Introducing Monika Eisenbart! She is a photographer in the Hudson Valley area in New York. Her new website is Monika Photography (updated link). If you live in or around New York City, you should definitely look her up for a session. Not only is her work for clients absolutely amazing…but she also has an great eye for capturing her son and family life. She documents everyday life, like celebrating a snow fall or being sick as beautifully as big moments like visiting her family in Poland.
This Poland trip includes one her favorite sessions, listed in number 9 below…but I can not post this interview without listing some of her other work that has really stuck with me.
An Engagement Session. (also apart of her Poland trip last summer…)
Before First Communion and First Communion. There was just something about this session…it really has stayed with me.
And my dream family portrait right now would be very close to this session she photographed.
Oh, and while I was going back through her work, I remembered this post…loved the light and location in these!
Gorgeous, right!
(Some of the links may not longer work due to recent web updates. Make sure you check out her latest work here.)
So here is a little more about Monika:
1 | me and my camera:
My name is Monika. I’m a photographer, wife and mother.
I’m a conon girl and shoot with Canon 7d. I have few lenses:
35mm 1.4L – my favorite one, stays on my camera most of the time
50mm 1.4
85mm 1.8
24-70mm 2.8L
2 | my family:
I live with my family just outside NYC. Like me, my husband Peter comes from Poland. Our son Kacper was born here just two years ago.
3 | my current photography challenge:
I think at the moment my biggest challenge is to define my own style and commit to it. I’m searching for the perfect fit and who knows if I ever find it.
4 | what I have time for now:
Well at the moment everything in my life is about photography. I dream and think about it most of the time; that is when my family is not around.
5 | what I don’t have time for now:
Reading novels and other books not photography related. I wish I could go to the movies more often too.
6 | my favorite photography subject:
Besides my son, I love photographing everyone who is willing to share their story.
7 | my favorite place to photograph inside my home:
That would be my bedroom, which offers two huge windows and neutral wall colors.
8 | my favorite time to photograph:
Love the sunset shoots and would love to try sunrise too. And this kind of shoot is on my list this summer.
9 | my favorite blog post (or photograph) right now:
It’s so hard to choose, because I love them all. But most of the time I go back to my grandmothers shoot I did last summer while visiting my family in Poland. It’s so real and raw, every image has so much emotions.
For more from her Poland trip, because it was that fantastic:
here, and
10 | what tip, trick or info helped your family photographs the most:
I think general knowledge of photography helped me take better pictures, including my own family.
All photographs are copyright to Monika Eisenbart, me photographia. Do not copy, print, or distribute.
Thanks again for sharing! I love your work!!!
Are you interested in being featured? Contact me at info[at]
by Stacey Wiseman | Feb 28, 2012 | Photo Book Design Layout, Photograph
I am still working on my February food challenge post…(can’t believe tomorrow is the last day of February…and we even have an extra day) but until then, here are a couple of photos of my 2011 Family Photo Book. All 300 pages!!!

by Stacey Wiseman | Jan 31, 2012 | Description, Interview, Photograph, Photography Tip
As mentioned in this blog post, each month I want to conduct interviews with moms (and dads) who document their everyday lives with photographs. The main goal of each interview is to learn more about who, why and how we photograph our families. I loved the idea of using photographs to illustrate the answers.
For the first interview, I put myself to the challenge.
10 photographs to describe… Stacey R Wiseman
[divider] 1 | me and my camera:
Nikon D7000 and lately my 24-75mm f2.8 lens; 
[divider] 2 | my family:
Even if partially…we are all in the frame!

[divider] 3 | my current photography challenge:
I am trying to find interesting interior light and creative compositions to document potty training.

[divider] 4 | what I have time for now:

[divider] 5 | what I don’t have time for now:
Reading The New Yorker.

[divider] 6 | my favorite photography subject:
The interaction between my two kids.

[divider] 7 | my favorite place to photograph inside my home:
My bedroom.

[divider] 8 | my favorite time to photograph:
After-work walks in the park.

[divider] 9 | my favorite blog post (or photo) right now:
Baking chocolate chocolate chip cookies.

[divider] 10 | what tip, trick or info helped your family photographs the most:
Besides setting your custom white balance (which can even be done with point and shoot cameras!), I would say, facing subjects towards the light to get catchlights in the eyes. Of course I understood windows = light, but I never maximized the light in my kids’ eyes. As mentioned above, I am still learning about how to use interior light…but I have definitely improved!
2009 Photo

[divider] 2012 Photo

[divider] Are you interested in being featured?
Send me an email at info[at] and include your blog link, if you have one. Let me know how long it will take you to photograph your answers. Feel free to be as creative as you like! I will respond with the details!
by Stacey Wiseman | Dec 27, 2011 | Family Photographs, Photograph
One of our Christmas traditions is to bake, decorate and leave sugar cookies for Santa. While the holidays are always hectic and the lure of store-bought cookies would be very easy, I actually enjoy taking the time to make the cookies (and icing!) from scratch. This year I doubled the icing recipe for homemade carrot cake. I hope this is something I can keep up with as my kids get older. I think with each year, they will enjoy it more and more.

[hr] My youngest daughter can’t help yet, but she looked so adorable on Christmas Eve holding the cookie cutters.

My sister and I are rolling out the cookie dough (somewhat blurry photo from my husband who is learning to shoot manual!).

[hr] And my son did a fabulous job decorating the cookies.

[hr] He emptied the entire plastic jar of sprinkles, mostly on one cookie!

As a tradition, I will design a specific layout in our photo yearbook so each year we can see the cookies they decorated.
What are your Christmas traditions?